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ppr fittings-NF-4011-Newsun Industry Co., Ltd
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I have a problem first install wiring complete. Power on. but the GSK983Ta-H shows: WAIT FOR IO READY


CNCmakers Support:
The alarm means the I/O board or the operation panel is not conneted or no power.


I/o power input 24 vdc complete
Operation panel 24 v dc  complete
But alarm not ready


CNCmakers Support:
If so, then the I/O board or the operation panel is broken.
Do you have two controllers on hand, if yes, you can test by exchange them.
If not, please kindly check the lights on I/O borad are flickring or not?
If yes then the communication is normal.
You can check the operation panel the same way, the lights are inside, need to remove the back cover of the operation panel.


Led on i/o board red color. Not flickring
Cable wiring connect i/o. ok.  i/o to cc1
Cable wiring op   Ok op to cc2


CNCmakers Support:
The red led and not flickring means the I/O board is broken.
Please send back for repair.




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