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ppr fittings-NF-4011-Newsun Industry Co., Ltd
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How to set limit & zero on 928TD-L with absolute motors

01 Authority and parameter setting
Enter the password in the parameter mode, password level: device administrator or machine tool factory authority, modify the bit parameter P404_d6=1, hard limit alarm mask, as shown in Figure 1.
Modify the bit parameter P414_d4=1, ZX axis motor encoder is absolute, as shown in Figure 2.
Modify the bit parameter P416_d7=1 to remember the current password level, as shown in Figure 3.
02 permission settings
Switch to manual mode and move the carriage to the position of the machine's positive/negative limit, press the "Enter" key, as shown in Figure 4.
Press the cursor right direction key/cursor left direction key again, as shown in figure 5.
Enter the target axis number (X/Y/Z), as shown in Figure 6 below
Press the "Enter" key or enter the limit coordinate value to set the current carriage position of the axis as the negative limit point/positive limit point of the axis. The limit is set successfully.
03 Zero setting
Manually move all feed axes to the desired zero position, press the "Enter" key, as shown in Figure 4.
Press · again, as shown in Figure 7 below.
Press "Enter" again, the zero point is set successfully, as shown in Figure 8 below.
After completing the above operations, modify the bit parameter P404_d6=0, and the hardware limit alarm is turned on.
04Alarm message and method
When the system connects the drive and the motor for the first time or when the drive or the motor is replaced, the system will display the program integration check alarm E639. At this time, it is necessary to reset the limit of the corresponding axis and the machine zero.
When the connection between the drive and the system is abnormal, the system will alarm, prompting: E302: Z/X drive connection is abnormal, as shown in Figure 9 below.
When this alarm occurs, the solution is as follows:
Check whether the servo signal cable is in poor contact.
Whether the signal wire of the servo signal wire is correct.
Whether the servo drive type is DA98C servo drive.
Whether the servo motor encoder model is A4II encoder.
Whether the servo drive is damaged.

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