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ppr fittings-NF-4011-Newsun Industry Co., Ltd
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How to change Level 6 to Level 2 for CNC controller

 GSK980TDi User:

I recently got back to start setting up the package we bout from you.
I have managed to lock my self out from changing parameters
I thought I needed to change the grade I was in and got to the 6THgrade and can’t get out.
CNCmakers Support:
Try level 2 with password ******
GSK980TDi User:
Thank you for getting back to me.
I still cant get out of level 6.
I high light CURRENT LEVEL and When I press AUTH DEGRADE nothing changes.
Stuck at level 6
I cant change back to level 3 or level 2.
Please help….
Thank you again.
CNCmakers Support:
After you enter the password and saved.
Please re-power on the CNC controller, so it can be changed to new level.
GSK980TDi User:
Yes _ it worked
Thank you.

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